Access eMagazines through the Marmot Library Network and OverDrive! This collection of eMagazines includes comics, manga, news, travel, lifestyle, crafts, finance and more. Checkout titles with your library card.
Adults, Kids, Teens

Mango Languages
Mango Languages is an online language learning system that teaches actual conversation skills by combining real-life situations and audio from native speakers, with an easy-to-follow interface and simple, clear instructions. Languages include Spanish, Japanese, French, German, Italian, Greek, Russian, Mandarin Chinese and ESL for Polish speakers, ESL for Spanish speakers and ESL for Brazilian Portuguese speakers.
Adults, Teens

Maps Online
AtoZ Maps Online is a comprehensive collection of downloadable maps, map resources, visual glossaries, video dictionaries, geography learning games and teacher resources. Great for school reports, lesson plans, research projects and business reports!
Adults, Teens

Masterfile Premier
Masterfile Premier contains full text for periodicals covering general reference, business, health, education, general science, multicultural issues and much more. This database also contains full text for reference books, primary source documents, and an image collection with photos, maps & flags.
Adults, Teens

Medline Plus is your resource for high-quality, relevant health and wellness information that is easy to understand. Reliable health information in English and Spanish, available anytime, anywhere, for free.
Adults, Teens
Databases, Websites

Morningstar Investing Center provides mutual fund, ETF, and stock analysis, ratings, data and portfolio tools. Increase your investment knowledge and learn about investment opportunities!