Science in Context
Science in Context is an in-depth, curriculum-oriented science database that serves as a one-stop resource for science research needs. Combining a focus on key concepts taught in the classroom with curriculum trends, Science in Context is great for students, educators and parents.

Science Reference Source
Science Reference Source allows students to browse topics by category and have quick access to science experiments, a citation tool, and helpful research guides. With the Google Classroom integration, educators can connect science content from Science Reference Source quickly with their students!
Adults, Teens

Captivating video content paired with Scholastic nonfiction books ScienceFlix is designed to build knowledge in science with games, quizzes, and additional linked resources.

Small Engine Repair Source
Small Engine Repair Source offers assistance in providing routine maintenance (tune-ups, brake service) as well as extensive repairs (engine and transmission disassembly) on decades of engine models. The full collection of Clymer repair manuals, with new and updated content, is added regularly.
Adults, Teens

Student Resources in Context
Access topic overviews, primary sources, biographies, and critical essays on core subjects with Student Resources in Context. For teen students, all content in Student Resources in Context is aligned to national standards and Common Core State Standards.