Explora - Educator's Edition
The Explora - Educator's Edition database ensures you can quickly find the reliable information needed to support students with completing homework and research projects, deliver robust school curriculum, achieve your professional goals as an educator, and satisfy intellectual curiosity.

Explora - For Kids
Looking for kid homework help? Use Explora - for Kids! Find easy-to read articles written specifically for kids with reading-level indicators and a kid-friendly interface.

Explora - For Teens
Need teen homework help? Students in grades 6-12 will find reliable information on a variety of topics with the Explora - for Teens database, an easy-to-use interface that helps you search subjects quickly.

Explora - General Research
Explora - General Research has research collections on thousands of topics with easy-to-use features to find information quickly. Search hundreds of professional journals, popular magazines, reference books, images, primary sources, and more by keyword or by topic.

First Search
Can’t find something through Eagle Valley Library District or it's partnered libraries? Search for the materials you want and place an Interlibrary Loan Request through First Search! Also works to find citations of materials.
Adults, Teens

Freegal Music
Enjoy downloading and/or streaming music with Freegal Music! This is a free service that gives you access to a variety of music, with a weekly limit for the number of files for download. An app is available for iOS and Android devices.

Global Road Warrior
Planning international travel is easy with Global Road Warrior! This geography database includes topics on culture & society, travel, education, history, holidays and festivals, language, media outlets, music, maps, money, national symbols, and religion from around the world. Includes travel security warnings.

Health and Wellness Resource Center+Alternative Health Module
The Health and Wellness Resource Center is full of information on fitness, pregnancy, nutrition, diseases, public health, occupational health and safety, alcohol and drug abuse, herbal remedies, alternative or complementary treatments and more. Material contained in this Resource Center is intended for informational purposes only.

HeritageQuest Online
HeritageQuest Online combines digital, searchable images of U.S. federal census records with the digitized version of the popular UMI® Genealogy & Local History collection, along with other valuable historical content. This online database is an essential collection of unique material for both genealogical hobbyists and professionals.

History Reference Center
History Reference Center is a comprehensive full text history reference database that features full text from reference books, encyclopedias, peer-reviewed journal articles and non-fiction books. Explore popular historical topics or search for specific subjects.